You can download the latest driver update directly from AMD, Nvidia or Intel. To get the best performance out of your graphics card, always keep your drivers up to date. Shadows, Anti-Aliasing, Post Processing, Vsync and Motion Blur can all be turned off to improve performance. Change the View Distance to Near, Textures to Medium, Effects and Post Processing settings to Low. For 3D Resolution, we recommend using the 1080p setting if you are on a high-end system and 720p if you are on a medium or low-end computer.
When possible, play in Fullscreen mode with a resolution that matches that of your monitor. A few settings changes in-game will also help increase your FPS in Fortnite. It is recommended that you have an Intel i5 graphics card with 2GB VRAM and 8GB RAM, but you may also be able to play on an Intel i3 with Intel 4000 graphics and only 4GB RAM to meet minimum requirements. Like most new games, Fortnite can be a CPU-intensive game, so make sure the computer you're playing on at least meets the minimum system requirements.